Results for 'Jan E. Thomas'

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  1.  16
    “Everything about us is feminist”: The significance of ideology in organizational change.Jan E. Thomas - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (1):101-119.
    This study explores the role feminist ideology played in long-term structural changes in feminist organizations. The vehicle for this exploration was a comparative case study of 14 feminist women's health centers that were started in the 1970s and were still in existence in the early 1990s. Drawing on interviews and site visits, the author describes the early collectivist structures, highlights some of the crises these organizations faced, and describes three structural ideal types that emerged in the 1990s. The analysis suggests (...)
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    Feminism and Profit in American Hospitals: The Corporate Construction of Women's Health Centers.Mary K. Zimmerman & Jan E. Thomas - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (3):359-383.
    This article provides a critical analysis of the evolution and impact of hospital-sponsored women's health centers. Using original data gathered from interviews, participant observation, and content analysis of documents and brochures, the authors describe the development of four models of hospital-sponsored women's health centers and illustrate three specific mechanisms of the co-optation process. They show how many elements of feminist health care were used for the purpose of marketing and revenue production rather than for empowering women and transforming the delivery (...)
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    Looking backwards in type logic.Jan Köpping & Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (5-6):646-672.
    ABSTRACT Backwards-looking operators Saarinen, E. [1979. “Backwards-Looking Operators in Tense Logic and in Natural Language.” In Essays on Mathematical and Philosophical Logic, edited by J. Hintikka, I. Niiniluoto, and E. Saarinen, 341–367. Dordrecht: Reidel] that have the material in their scope depend on higher intensional operators, are known to increase the expressivity of some intensional languages and have thus played a central role in debates about approaches to intensionality in terms of implicit parameters vs. variables explicitly quantifying over them. The (...)
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    Board Characteristics and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analytic Investigation.Edeltraud M. Guenther, Thomas W. Guenther, Charl de Villiers & Jan Endrikat - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):2099-2135.
    Boards of directors affect corporate strategy and decision-making through monitoring of management and resource provision. Recently, an increasing number of studies have examined the relationships between board characteristics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These studies have yielded inconsistent findings. This article therefore reports the results of a study applying meta-analytical techniques to a sample of 82 empirical studies to help clarify the relationships between board characteristics and CSR. Although prior research has tended to apply relatively simplistic models investigating the impact (...)
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    Thomas Meier, Die Archäologie des mittelalterlichen Königsgrabes im christlichen Europa. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 8.) Stuttgart: Jan Thorbecke, 2002. Pp. x, 478; 173 black-and-white figures. €65. [REVIEW]Thomas E. A. Dale - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):241-243.
  6. Normative Ethics.R. G. Frey, Brad Hooker, F. M. Kamm, Thomas E. Hill Jr, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, David McNaughton, Jan Narveson, Michael Slote, Alison M. Jaggar & William R. Schroeder - 2000 - In Hugh LaFollette -, The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. Blackwell.
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    Cantor, God, and Inconsistent Multiplicities.Aaron R. Thomas-Bolduc - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 44 (1):133-146.
    The importance of Georg Cantor’s religious convictions is often neglected in discussions of his mathematics and metaphysics. Herein I argue, pace Jan ́e (1995), that due to the importance of Christianity to Cantor, he would have never thought of absolutely infinite collections/inconsistent multiplicities,as being merely potential, or as being purely mathematical entities. I begin by considering and rejecting two arguments due to Ignacio Jan ́e based on letters to Hilbert and the generating principles for ordinals, respectively, showing that my reading (...)
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    Selbstsein als Sich-Wissen?: zur Bedeutung der Wissensgeschichte für die Historisierbarkeit des Subjekts.Sandra Janssen & Thomas Alkemeyer (eds.) - 2021 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die Frage, ob es eine Geschichte der Weisen gibt, in denen Menschen sich selbst erleben, also eine Geschichte des Subjekts, wird vielfach als eine der sozialen Gebilde dargestellt, die den Einzelnen formen oder 'subjektivieren'. Sie kann sich aber auch auf die wechselnden Formen beziehen, in denen das Subjektsein selbst historisch beschrieben wurde, in all den variierenden Theorieentwürfen, die in der Psychologie, Philosophie, Anthropologie und den anderen Humanwissenschaften aufeinander folgten. Der Band untersucht die These, dass dieses theoretische Selbstwissen mehr bedeutet als (...)
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  9. A Bibliometric Analysis of the Cognitive Turn in Psychology.Jan Engelen, Sander Verhaegh, Loura Collignon & Gurpreet Pannu - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (3):324-359.
    Abstract:We analyzed co-citation patterns in 332,498 articles published in Anglophone psychology journals between 1946 and 1990 to estimate (1) when cognitive psychology first emerged as a clearly delineated subdiscipline, (2) how fast it grew, (3) to what extent it replaced other (e.g., behaviorist) approaches to psychology, (4) to what degree it was more appealing to scholars from a younger generation, and (5) whether it was more interdisciplinary than alternative traditions. We detected a major shift in the structure of co-citation networks (...)
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  10. Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues.Martin Curd & Jan A. Cover (eds.) - 1998 - Norton.
    Contents Preface General Introduction 1 | Science and Pseudoscience Introduction Karl Popper, Science: Conjectures and Refutations Thomas S. Kuhn, Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? Imre Lakatos, Science and Pseudoscience Paul R. Thagard, Why Astrology Is a Pseudoscience Michael Ruse, Creation-Science Is Not Science Larry Laudan, Commentary: Science at the Bar---Causes for Concern Commentary 2 | Rationality, Objectivity, and Values in Science Introduction Thomas S. Kuhn, The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn, Objectivity, (...)
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  11.  22
    Denken Van eenheid.Jan A. Aertsen - 1990 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (3):399 - 420.
    Two fundamentally different conceptions of unity can be found in the philosophical tradition. My thesis is that both of them go back to one text, Plato's Parmenides. Plato argues that if the One is posed as unity (the first hypothesis), the One is unthinkable and unnamable. If the One is posed as being (the second hypothesis), we think a plurality. Plotinus explicitly relates his conception of unity to the Parmenides. The One is the origin of the second hypostasis that is (...)
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    The Importance of Assent: A Theory of Coercion and Dignity.Jan-Willem Van der Rijt - 2012 - Springer.
    The view that persons are entitled to respect because of their moral agency is commonplace in contemporary moral theory. What exactly this respect entails, however, is far less uncontroversial. In this book, Van der Rijt argues powerfully that this respect for persons’ moral agency must also encompass respect for their subjective moral judgments – even when these judgments can be shown to be fundamentally flawed. Van der Rijt scrutinises the role persons’ subjective moral judgments play within the context of coercion (...)
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    Even when no one is looking: fundamental questions of ethical education.Jan Hábl - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    This book is not a list or an overview of various theories of ethics. Nor is it a didactic manual for specific teaching units on moral education aimed at some group based on age or a particular theme (although some educational frameworks will be proposed). As the title suggests, the book intends to seek the starting points or foundations without which no moral education would be possible. The goal is to formulate and tackle the key questions that precede all moral (...)
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  14. Epistemic authority: preemption through source sensitive defeat.Jan Constantin & Thomas Grundmann - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):4109-4130.
    Modern societies are characterized by a division of epistemic labor between laypeople and epistemic authorities. Authorities are often far more competent than laypeople and can thus, ideally, inform their beliefs. But how should laypeople rationally respond to an authority’s beliefs if they already have beliefs and reasons of their own concerning some subject matter? According to the standard view, the beliefs of epistemic authorities are just further, albeit weighty, pieces of evidence. In contrast, the Preemption View claims that, when one (...)
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    Jan Łukasiewicz. A system of modal logic. Actes du Xlème Congrès International de Philosophie, volume XIV, Volume complémentaire et communications du Colloque de Logique, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam1953, and Editions E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1953, pp. 82–87. - Jan Łukasiewicz. A system of modal logic. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 3 , pp. 111–149. - Ivo Thomas. Note on a modal system of Łukasiewicz. Dominican studies, vol. 6 , pp. 167–170. - A. N. Prior. The interpretation of two systems of modal logic. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 4 , pp. 201–208. - Alan Ross Anderson. On the interpretation of a modal system of Łukasiewicz. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 4 , pp. 209–210. - Jan Łukasiewicz. Arithmetic and modal logic. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 4 , pp. 213–219. - Jan Łukasiewicz. On a controversial problem of Aristotle's modal syllogistic. Dominican studies, vol. 7 , pp. 114–128. [REVIEW]Ronald Harrop - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):293-296.
  16. Introduction to Ethics: An Open Educational Resource, collected and edited by Noah Levin.Noah Levin, Nathan Nobis, David Svolba, Brandon Wooldridge, Kristina Grob, Eduardo Salazar, Benjamin Davies, Jonathan Spelman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Kristin Seemuth Whaley, Jan F. Jacko & Prabhpal Singh (eds.) - 2019 - Huntington Beach, California: N.G.E Far Press.
    Collected and edited by Noah Levin -/- Table of Contents: -/- UNIT ONE: INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY ETHICS: TECHNOLOGY, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, AND IMMIGRATION 1 The “Trolley Problem” and Self-Driving Cars: Your Car’s Moral Settings (Noah Levin) 2 What is Ethics and What Makes Something a Problem for Morality? (David Svolba) 3 Letter from the Birmingham City Jail (Martin Luther King, Jr) 4 A Defense of Affirmative Action (Noah Levin) 5 The Moral Issues of Immigration (B.M. Wooldridge) 6 The Ethics of our (...)
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  17. Combinatorics with definable sets: Euler characteristics and grothendieck rings.Jan Krajíček & Thomas Scanlon - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):311-330.
    We recall the notions of weak and strong Euler characteristics on a first order structure and make explicit the notion of a Grothendieck ring of a structure. We define partially ordered Euler characteristic and Grothendieck ring and give a characterization of structures that have non-trivial partially ordered Grothendieck ring. We give a generalization of counting functions to locally finite structures, and use the construction to show that the Grothendieck ring of the complex numbers contains as a subring the ring of (...)
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  18. Accountable privacy supporting services.Jan Camenisch, Thomas Groß & Thomas Scott Heydt-Benjamin - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (3):241-267.
    As privacy concerns among consumers rise, service providers increasingly want to provide services that support privacy enhancing technologies. At the same time, online service providers must be able to protect themselves against misbehaving users. For instance, users that do not pay their bill must be held accountable for their behavior. This tension between privacy and accountability is fundamental, however a tradeoff is not always required. In this article we propose the concept of a time capsule, that is, a verifiable encryption (...)
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  19. Imagination Bound and Unbound.E. Thomas Lawson - 2008 - In Jonathan Z. Smith, Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon, Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. Oakville: Equinox. pp. 231.
  20.  24
    Too calloused to care: An experimental examination of factors influencing youths' displaced aggression against their peers.Albert Reijntjes, Jan H. Kamphuis, Sander Thomaes, Brad J. Bushman & Michael J. Telch - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):28.
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    Selbstdarstellung.Kasimir Twardowski, Jan Wolenski & Thomas Binder - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 39 (1):1-26.
  22.  36
    Selbstdarstellung.Kasimir Twardowski, Jan Wolenski & Thomas Binder - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 39 (1):1-26.
  23. A new look at the science-and-religion dialogue.E. Thomas Lawson - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3):555-564.
    Cognitive science is beginning to make a contribution to the science-and-religion dialogue by its claims about the nature of both scientific and religious knowledge and the practices such knowledge informs. Of particular importance is the distinction between folk knowledge and abstract theoretical knowledge leading to a distinction between folk science and folk religion on the one hand and the reflective, theoretical, abstract form of thought that characterizes both advanced scientific thought and sophisticated theological reasoning on the other. Both folk science (...)
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    Proportionality principles in American law: controlling excessive government actions.E. Thomas Sullivan - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richard S. Frase.
    Across a wide range of legal contexts, E. Thomas Sullivan and Richard S. Frase identify three basic ways that government measures and private remedies have been ...
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  25. The cognitive representation of religious ritual form: A theory of participants' competence with their religious ritual systems.E. Thomas Lawson & Robert N. McCauley - unknown
    Theorizing about religious ritual systems from a cognitive viewpoint involves (1) modeling cognitive processes and their products and (2) demonstrating their influence on religious behavior. Particularly important for such an approach to the study of religious ritual is the modeling of participants' representations of ritual form. In pursuit of that goal, we presented in Rethinking Religion a theory of religious ritual form that involved two commitments. The theory’s first commitment is that the cognitive apparatus for the representation of action in (...)
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    Achilles and the Tortoise.L. E. Thomas - 1952 - Analysis 12 (4):92-94.
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    Waking and Dreaming.L. E. Thomas - 1952 - Analysis 13 (6):121.
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    Philosophical, Neurological, and Sociological Perspectives on Religion.E. Thomas Lawson - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):105-110.
    A review essay of three recent publications that focus in different ways on the evolution­ary basis of religion. Asma focuses on the ways in which “religion” energizes the emotional needs of humans. Torrey pays close attention to the evolutionary stages of brain development that are necessary for the emergence of religious concepts and the attitudes that accompany them. Finally, Turner et al. develop a complex theory of different types of selection that they regard as necessary in order to account for (...)
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  29. (3 other versions)Lotze's Relation to Idealism.E. E. Thomas - 1915 - Mind 24 (96):481-497.
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    Rethinking Religion: Connecting cognition & Culture.E. Thomas Lawson & Robert N. McCauley - 1990 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is an ambitious attempt to develop a cognitive approach to religion. Focusing particularly on ritual action, it borrows analytical methods from linguistics and other cognitive sciences. The authors, a philosopher of science and a scholar of comparative religion, provide a lucid critical review of established approaches to the study of religion, and make a strong plea for the combination of interpretation and explanation. Often represented as competitive approaches, they are rather, complementary, equally vital to the study of symbolic (...)
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    Religion.E. Thomas Lawson - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):153-154.
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  32. The Ethical Basis of Reality.E. E. Thomas - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (9):106-107.
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  33. The Political Aspect of Religious Development.E. E. Thomas - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):108-110.
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    The “Lords of Life”: Fractals, Recursivity, and “Experience”.E. Thomas Finan - 2012 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 45 (1):65-88.
    First published in Essays: Second Series in 1844, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Experience” has long been considered an enigmatic touchstone of the Emersonian corpus. This essay seems to point to many difficult—and key—questions as to the aims and implications of Emerson’s literary style, intellectual methods, and philosophical inquiries. Conventionally viewed as evidence of a hinge in Emerson’s intellectual development from youthful innocence to middle-aged experience, this essay has often been understood as an arena for the contestation of Emersonian ideas about self-reliance, (...)
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    Civic Responsibility and Teaching Macroethics.E. Thomas Moran - 2003 - Teaching Ethics 3 (2):27-39.
  36.  19
    Hva Arne Næss kan lære oss om økonomifagets tverrfaglighet.Morten Tønnessen, Jan Karlstrøm & Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 2024 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 59 (1-2):21-36.
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    Ritual Intuitions: Cognitive Contributions to Judgments of Ritual Efficacy.Justin Barrett & E. Thomas Lawson - 2001 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 1 (2):183-201.
    Lawson and McCauley have argued that non-cultural regularities in how actions are conceptualized inform and constrain participants' understandings of religious rituals. This theory of ritual competence generates three predictions: 1) People with little or no knowledge of any given ritual system will have intuitions about the potential effectiveness of a ritual given minimal information about the structure of the ritual. 2) The representation of superhuman agency in the action structure will be considered the most important factor contributing to effectiveness. 3) (...)
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  38. Well and Good: Case Studies in Biomedical Issues.Wilfrid J. Waluchow & J. E. Thomas - 1987 - Peterborough, ON, Canada: Broadview Press.
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  39. Well and Good: Case Studies in Biomedical Issues Revised Edition.Wilfrid J. Waluchow & J. E. Thomas - 1990 - Peterborough, ON, Canada: Broadview Press.
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    Effects of cost sharing on seeking outpatient care: a propensity‐matched study in Germany and Switzerland.Carola A. Huber, Peter Rüesch, Andreas Mielck, Jan Böcken, Thomas Rosemann & Peter C. Meyer - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):781-787.
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    The Code of the Warrior: Exploring Warrior Values Past and Present.Shannon E. French & Joseph J. Thomas - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing on philosophy, history, moral psychology, and ethics, this revised and expanded edition of French’s The Code of the Warrior examines historical and contemporary warrior cultures and their values, arguing that today’s warriors need a code, as their ancestors did, to prevent them from crossing the thin but critical line that separates warriors from murderers in the battle against global terrorism.
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  42. Who owns 'culture'?Robert N. McCauley & E. Thomas Lawson - unknown
    No one owns 'culture' [i]: anyone with a viable theoretical proposal can contend for the right to determine that concept's fate. Not everyone agrees with this view. Throughout its century long struggle for academic respectability, anthropology has regularly insisted on its unique role as the proprietor of 'culture.' Its variety of approaches and feuding factions notwithstanding, it is this proprietary claim that unifies anthropology to an extent sometimes unrecognized even by its own (post modernist) practitioners. The history of anthropology has (...)
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    Mediaevalia: idei i obrazy srednevekovoĭ kulʹtury.O. Ė Dushin, Thomas & Francisco Suárez (eds.) - 2005 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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    What's different in speed/accuracy trade-offs in young and elderly subjects.George E. Stelmach & Jerry R. Thomas - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):321-321.
    We question whether Plamondon & Alimi's model is useful in accounting for the nonsymmetrical and multiple-peaked velocity profiles observed in young and elderly subjects for ballistic aiming tasks. For these subjects, both data and observation suggest that a central representation initiates the movement in an appropriate direction but that multiple adjustments are made, both early and late, to achieve spatial accuracy.
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  45. Who owns ‘culture’? By.Robert N. McCauley & E. Thomas Lawson - unknown
               No one owns 'culture'[i]: anyone with a viable theoretical proposal can contend for the right to determine that concept's fate. Not everyone agrees with this view. Throughout its century-long struggle for academic respectability, anthropology has regularly insisted on its unique role as the proprietor of 'culture.' Its variety of approaches and feuding factions notwithstanding, it is this proprietary claim that unifies anthropology to an extent sometimes unrecognized even by its (...)
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  46. Interactionism and the non obviousness of scientific theories.Robert N. McCauley & E. Thomas Lawson - unknown
    Levine's discussion of Rethinking Religion (1990) and "Crisis of Conscience, Riddle of Identity" (1993) includes some rash charges, some useful comments, and some profound misunderstandings. The latter, especially, reveal areas where we need to clarify and further defend our claims. In the second section we shall discuss the epistemological and methodological issues that Levine raises. Then we shall turn in the third section to theoretical and substantive matters. In fact, Levine remains almost completely silent on substantive matters (except to say (...)
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    Wissen und Verantwortung: Festschrift für Jan P. Beckmann.Jan Peter Beckmann, Thomas Keutner, Roman Oeffner & Hajo Schmidt (eds.) - 2005 - Freiburg: Alber.
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    Different Patterns of Attention Modulation in Early N140 and Late P300 sERPs Following Ipsilateral vs. Contralateral Stimulation at the Fingers and Cheeks. [REVIEW]Laura Lindenbaum, Sebastian Zehe, Jan Anlauff, Thomas Hermann & Johanna Maria Kissler - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Intra-hemispheric interference has been often observed when body parts with neighboring representations within the same hemisphere are stimulated. However, patterns of interference in early and late somatosensory processing stages due to the stimulation of different body parts have not been explored. Here, we explore functional similarities and differences between attention modulation of the somatosensory N140 and P300 elicited at the fingers vs. cheeks. In an active oddball paradigm, 22 participants received vibrotactile intensity deviant stimulation either ipsilateral or contralateral at the (...)
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    Challenges for identifying the neural mechanisms that support spatial navigation: the impact of spatial scale.Thomas Wolbers & Jan M. Wiener - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    What we can say about what we can do: A defense of the conditional analysis of 'can'.Jan Thomas - 1995 - Philosophical Papers 24 (3):167-182.
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